Sunday, March 29, 2009


Given the economic downturn, the first way many people look to save money is to cut out entertainment expenses. But having no entertainment options can mean bored kids and adults.

A better way to cut back is to find creative ways to do the things you enjoy for free. For instance, if you are a theater buff, consider becoming an usher. Typically a volunteer position, you lead the audience to their seats and hand out playbills. Once the show begins, you get to watch the performance for free.

Like movies? You can get a part time job as a movie theater usher. Paid to watch movies? Not a bad deal.

Like museums, botanical gardens, or the zoo? All have volunteer positions allowing you to give back to your community and the added freedom to explore your favorite places.

Family activities include volunteering at fun or charity runs to hand out water, park clean-ups, and Habitat for Humanity. Other free activities include farmers markets, free concerts in the park, art fairs, and free outdoor movies.

Make sure to check out local neighborhood newspapers, your local library, and the internet sites for your city hall and visitor bureau for continuous updates of activities in your area.

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