Getting in shape can cost a fortune. You can purchase training sessions, a gym membership, or buy sessions of a specific fitness class. No wonder why there aren't more people willing to get in shape. But, you don't have to spend a penny to get a great workout. How, you ask? By exercising for free.
Do you have cable TV services? If so, you probably have access to what they call "on demand" services. It allows you to access certain shows, movies, etc., when you want. Check it out. You'll find you likely have access to free exercise videos, ranging from yoga to strength training. I've worked out with Tom Morley doing cardio yoga, and Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper doing their famous butt-kicking Biggest Loser workouts. The best part is that you can do these anytime of day.
Cable also offers exercise shows on their regular channels, like Inhale, an hour long yoga show on the Oxygen channel. If you don't have cable, check out your local channels, like PBS, which offers a number of exercise shows daily. You can check the Internet, your local newspaper, or T.V. Guide for shows offered in your area.
Do you have access to a free gym? Your condo, apartment, homeowners community, or even your employer may offer free gym access.
Don't forget to check out bulletin boards, social networking sites, libraries, etc., to find out of there are free exercise class groups in your area. For example, I've joined a yoga, Pilates, and PX90 group within the last year - all are free.
Take it from me, you can have fun exercising without spending a dime. So, why not go for it, and do your body proud!
We Moved!!!
13 years ago