You don't need a lot of money to do things to help the environment. In fact, you can save money by doing so. Here are eight ways to reduce your carbon footprint and increase your savings:
- UNPLUG UNNECESSARY ELECTRONICS. Did you know that even if you are not using a lamp, computer, or fan it is still using electricity while plugged in to the outlet? Unplug items not in use and you will be surprised at the difference it will make on your monthly electric bills. It is also a good fire prevention measure.
- GIVE UP DRINKING BOTTLED WATER. So far, there is no conclusive testing showing bottled water is any better for you than tap water. Giving it up will allow you to save landfill space and money. Even better, your teeth will benefit since fluoride is good for them.
- PLAN YOUR ERRANDS SO YOU USE LESS GAS. The obvious benefits are that you will reduce pollution and save money.
- DON’T LITTER. This may not have occurred to you, but you will spend less in taxes if the government doesn’t have to pick up after you; plus, your neighborhood will be cleaner.
- GO TO AN ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY DRY CLEANER. You will avoid the nasty chemicals that are typically used to clean clothing; thereby reducing your chances, and the environment’s, of being exposed to toxic chemicals.
- BUY LOCALLY GROWN FOOD. This is a no-brainer. Less gas is used to transport it to you, and it’s fresher and cheaper.
- DON’T FLUSH ANYTHING, OTHER THAN YOUR WASTE, DOWN THE TOILET. Why? Because the water gets reconditioned and used again. Remember the recent news blurbs on prescription drugs found in water supplies? Yuck!
- BUY A WATER SAVING SHOWER HEAD. You will save a bundle on your water bill and spare gallons of the much needed resource.
These are just a few simple, but effective, ways you can make a difference.